Nitopin (nimodipine) coated tablets 30 mg. №30


Nitopin is used: for the prevention / treatment of ischemic neurological disorders provoked by spasm of cerebral vessels due to subarachnoid hemorrhage (for example, with rupture of an aneurysm); for the treatment of functional disorders of brain activity (memory loss, impaired concentration, mood changes) in the elderly.



Nitopin composition and release form
Active ingredient: nimodipine.
Available in tablet form (30 mg).

Pharmacological properties
This drug is a selective calcium antagonist (blocks calcium channels) with a predominant effect on blood vessels. It has antispasmodic and vasodilating effects. Prevents the occurrence or eliminates vasospasm caused by prostaglandins, serotonin, histamine. Increases the flow of blood to the areas of the brain affected by impaired blood supply, especially after subarachnoid hemorrhage. It stabilizes the impaired functional state of neurons. The effect of this drug is manifested in a decrease in the severity of neurological symptoms provoked by cerebral ischemia.

Nitopin is used:

  • for the prevention / treatment of ischemic neurological disorders provoked by spasm of cerebral vessels due to subarachnoid hemorrhage (for example, with rupture of an aneurysm);
  • for the treatment of functional disorders of brain activity (memory loss, impaired concentration, mood changes) in the elderly.

Nitopin is not used:

  • with intolerance to the components;
  • with severe liver failure;
  • with cerebral edema;
  • with an acute increase in intracranial pressure;
  • with an attack of unstable angina pectoris;
  • in the acute period of myocardial infarction and for a month after it.

It is also prohibited to use Nitopin in combination with rifampicin, antiepileptic drugs (phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin).

It is not used in pediatrics.

Application during pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, this drug is used in exceptional cases (the doctor determines the appropriateness of the appointment).
If necessary, use by women who are breastfeeding, stop feeding for the period of therapy.

Method of administration and dosage
Nitopin is used internally. The tablet is taken one hour before or two hours after a meal.
The recommended dose after subarachnoid hemorrhage is 60 mg (two tablets) six times a day, with a break between doses of at least four hours. In the described dosage, the drug is taken for seven days, then the dose is gradually reduced. Duration of treatment is 21 days.
The recommended dose for functional disorders of brain activity in the elderly is 30 mg (one tablet) three times a day. The duration of therapy is set individually (usually several months).

In acute overdose, severe arterial hypotension (pressure drop), nausea, bradycardia or tachycardia, disruption of the digestive tract, signs of disruption of the central nervous system occur.

Side effects:

  • Digestive disorders: diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, change in appetite, paralytic intestinal obstruction.
  • Neurological disorders: sleep disorders, dizziness, cephalalgia, psychomotor hyperactivity, hyperkinesis, aggressiveness, depression.
  • Cardiovascular disorders: a drop in blood pressure (especially against the background of an initial increase in its level), hot flashes, hyperemia, a feeling of heat, bradycardia, increased sweating, bradycardia / tachycardia.
  • Hematological disorders: thrombocytopenia.
  • Immune disorders: allergic reactions.
  • Changes in laboratory data: an increase in the activity of transaminases, Lf, gamma-glutamyl transferase, changes in renal function indicators (an increase in the concentration of urea, creatinine in plasma).
  • Local reactions: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.

Storage conditions and periods
It is necessary to store Nitopin at temperatures below +25 degrees Celsius for no more than three years. Parents must ensure the safety of their children by protecting their access to medication.