Salbutamol aerosolum for inhalation 100 mcg/dose 200 doses balloon


Manufacturer: France

Short-term (from 4 to 6 hours) expansion of the bronchi with a rapid start (about 5 minutes) with airway obstruction. Relief of suffocation attacks in diseases accompanied by airway obstruction, such as bronchial asthma. Prevention of bronchospasm attacks associated with allergen exposure or caused by physical exertion. In the complex therapy of patients with bronchial asthma.


Salbutamol aerosolum for inhalation 100 mcg/dose 200 doses balloon


active ingredient: salbutamol;

1 dose contains salbutamol 100 mcg (in the form of salbutamol sulfate);

excipient: propellant HFA 134a.

Dosage form

Aerosol for inhalation, dosed.

Basic physical and chemical properties: white or almost white suspension.

Pharmacological group

Means for the treatment of obstructive respiratory diseases. Adrenergic drugs for inhalation use. Selective beta2-adrenergic agonists. Salbutamol.
Code ATX R03A C02.

Pharmacological properties

This drug belongs to the group of expectorant pharmaceuticals, which are used to treat respiratory diseases.
Salbutamol is a beta-2 – adrenergic agonist. It has the ability to stimulate β-two adrenergic receptors. The latter have the property of having a noticeable bronchodilator effect, concentrating in the blood vessels of the bronchi, and expanding the bronchi.
Has an invaluable property to prevent and interrupt the arising bronchospasm. Able to reduce the resistance that occurs in the airways, while the vital capacity of the lungs increases.
Salbutamol reduces the release of histamines, promotes the expansion of the coronary arteries of the circulatory system, while a decrease in blood pressure is not observed.
The drug as a whole has the property of facilitating the work of the lower parts of the respiratory system – the lungs and bronchi.


This drug is intended for rapid (5 minutes) relief of severe bronchospasm. It is used for diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma, incl. with bronchospasm;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis, COPD;
  • emphysema of the lungs.
  • Provides short-term (4-6 hours) bronchodilation in case of airway obstruction, which is reversible.


The drug in question is not used if the patient has ever had hypersensitivity (allergy) to one of the components that make up its composition.
Do not use if the patient suffers from severe cardiovascular disease.
In pediatrics, it is used from 4 years old.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Can be used in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Lactation is suspended for the duration of treatment with this drug.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug is used for inhalation of aerosol.
In order for the drug to enter the windpipe when inhaling, you need:

  • shake the aerosol can;
  • exhale the air from the lungs as much as possible;
  • insert an aerosol mouthpiece into your mouth, clasping it with your lips on all sides;
  • by pressing on the bottom of the can, take a deep breath;
  • hold your breath as long as possible.

Usually 1 dose is sufficient. It will take effect in about 5 minutes.
If during the application it becomes clear that 1 dose of the drug is not enough, then it is permissible to inject not 1, but 2 doses of the drug. Moreover, the interval between inhalation of these two doses is at least 30 seconds.
To prevent an attack with physical exertion or contact with an allergen, 2 doses of the drug are inhaled.
With long-term maintenance therapy, 2 inhalations are inhaled 4 times a day.
The maximum daily dosage is 8 doses of the drug per day.
Children 4 to 12 years old take 50% of the adult dose.


Overdose with this drug can cause increased side effects in the form of:

  • tachycardia, weakness, hypokalemia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • convulsions, muscle tremors.

In case of an overdose, symptomatic treatment should be applied, and in severe cases, beta1-blockers should be administered.

Side effects

The use of this drug in a patient can cause side effects in the form of:

  • allergic reactions – edema, allergic urticaria, paradoxical bronchospasm, hypotension, collapse;
  • hypokalemia, lactic acidosis;
  • tremors, seizures, hyperactivity;
  • tinnitus;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure;
  • myocardial ischemia;
  • vasodilation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fever, trauma;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth.

Do not freeze!