Zelenina (tincture of belladonna leaves) drops 25 ml. bottle №1


Manufacturer: Ukraine

The drug has sedative, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, analgesic effects due to biologically active substances that are part of the drug. Due to the content of belladonna tincture speeds up the heart rate.


Zelenina (tincture of belladonna leaves) drops 25 ml. bottle №1


active ingredients: tincture of belladonna leaves, tincture of lily of the valley, tincture of valerian rhizomes with roots, racemic menthol;

1 ml of the drug contains tinctures of belladonna leaves (Belladonnae folia) (1:10) (extractant – ethanol 40%) 0.2 ml; tinctures of lily of the valley (Convallaria herba) (1:10) (extractant – ethanol 70%) 0.4 ml; tinctures of valerian rhizomes with roots (Valerianae rhisoma cum radicibus) (1: 5) (extractant – ethanol 70%) 0.4 ml; racemic menthol 8 mg.

Dosage form

Oral drops.

Main physical and chemical properties: clear liquid of greenish or yellow-brown color with a characteristic odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Combined cardiac drugs. ATX code C01E X.

Pharmacological properties

This drug belongs to the group of complex phytopreparations that affect the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, is used in cardiology and neurology.
The main active ingredients are alcohol tincture of valerian, lily of the valley, belladonna, racemic menthol.
Cardiac action is due to useful trace elements, which are part of, in particular, essential oils, steroids, stahydrin, leopurine, flavonoids, borneol, quercetin, saponins, ascorbic and valeric acids, alkaloids, bitters, mineral salts. Lily of the valley contains cardiac glycosides that also help improve heart muscle function.
Oral use of the drug has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Has a cardiotonic, moderate sedative (calming), hypotensive effect. Has the ability to equalize the heart rate when it slows down.
Causes a decrease in the excitation of the central nervous system, enhances the effect of sedatives, analgesics, antispasmodics and cardiotonic drugs.


This drug is used as a drug used in the complex treatment of conditions associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system. In particular, when:

  •  cardioneurosis, neurosis, autonomic neurosis;
  •  bradycardia.


The drug in question is contraindicated in cases where the patient has a pronounced hypersensitivity (allergy) to the main or to one of the auxiliary components.
Also contraindicated in:

  •  organic lesions of the heart and blood vessels;
  •  glaucoma;
  •  tachycardia;
  •  hypertrophy of the prostate gland.
  • When used in conjunction with sedatives, analgesics and antispasmodics increases the effect of the latter.
    In pediatrics it can be used from the age of 12.

Method of application and dose

The dosage, regimens and duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician individually, depending on the nature and course of the disease.
It is recommended to prescribe 25-20 drops to adults orally 2-3 times a day.
Children older than 12 years to appoint 1 drop for 1 year of life, 2-3 times a day.
Dilution in a small amount of water is allowed.
The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually – depending on the clinical effect, the nature of the complex therapy and tolerability of the drug.
The recommended dosage should not be exceeded during therapy.
You should consult your doctor if the symptoms of the disease have not disappeared during the use of the drug for seven days or there are side effects not listed in the instructions for medical use of the drug.


An overdose can cause:

  • tachycardia;
  •  dry mouth;
  •  dilation of the pupils;
  •  dizziness, headache.
    Treatment is symptomatic. The use of the drug should be canceled in this case, gastric lavage, take enterosorbents.

Side effects

Adverse reactions may occur. In this case, reactions such as:

  •  arrhythmia, bradycardia, impaired conduction;
  •  drowsiness, emotional depression, depression, decreased ability to work, headache, muscle weakness;
  •  tachycardia, fever;
  •  dyspeptic phenomena – nausea, vomiting;
  •  allergic reactions, rash, itching, allergic urticaria.