Manufacturer: Ukraine
Inflammatory and degenerative forms of rheumatism: rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, including spondylarthritis; pain in the side of the spine; reumatic zacharovanna of potatogrowing m yakih of tkanin; posttraumatic I playersin below syndrome scho suprovodzhuyut zapalenia first nebraka, and in particular after stomatologicznych ortopedichnij operations; genecology zacharovanna, that soprovojdayutsya belowim syndrome I zapalenia, for example pervina that dysmenorrhea adnexitis; attack migreni; gostri attack gout; Yak dopamine sasb with serious zapalnych zacharovannyj of ENT-organs, that soprovojdayutsya bolshim vdott, for example when farringtonite, otit. In addition to the General therapeutic principles, the main principles of the treatment are the basic therapy. Fever itself is not indicated for zastosuvannya drug.
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